Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Unplanned...Book Review

Man, just hearing that word, Unplanned, brings many thoughts and anxieties to ones mind. An unplanned, or unexpected pregnancy, an unplanned hiccup in the road to success, an unplanned financial expense, the list could go on, but Abby Johnson tells us her story about an unplanned turn of events in her life and career and how she got there to begin with. Her story starts not too far from my stomping grounds and it brought to light just how ignorant about this situation I had been. In Bryan, Texas...lives were changed forever. Abby's jaw dropping experience of going from the director of a Planned Parenthood facility, to becoming one of the biggest advocates for Coalition For Life is one (in my opinion) not for the light of heart. The story of her turning point was heart wrenching, I found myself bawling like a baby several times during the 3 days it took me to read. I grew up Very Pro-Life...no question about that, but never realized the "ulterior motives" behind the PP. I am almost sick to admit that I had actually referred friends to their clinic for "lady issues" not unplanned pregnancies, but for birth control...what they pride themselves in saying their motto is...to help women who can't afford birth control on their own. This book brought to light exactly what the PP's true motives have always been. Not necessarily helping women with their "options", but rather an underlying motive to "end" the problem of unplanned pregnancies. Abby's story is one of true bravery, and a true to life miracle of God. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone and the 2 people I know who have already picked this book up per my recommendation, agreed with me...you can't put it down. A very easy read book with a great truth. It gets 5 stars in my opinion.